4K Youtube video playback
Have you noticed the increasing amount of "4K" content available on YouTube? If you're like me your just getting into the 4K video arena on your computer. I just wanted to share a tip with everyone to make their 4K video experiences better.
I have been using Chrome as my primary browser but when I play back 4K YouTube video content its clear that the sounds don't synch with the video and I'm dropping lots of frames. ITs not that I have a slow computer 2xRadeon 280X's in SLI and a i7-L5639 CPU (hexacore). I also noticed that Internet Explorer also plays back the video perfectly. What's up with Chrome?
It turns out that you can fix the Chrome Browser playback problems by going into settings->advanced settings->un use hardware acceleration when available. This makes 4K YouTube video playback flawlessly on a Chrome browser.